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How to make MTA server to make maps with your friends!

Started by THE-CLEANER, Jul 28, 2014, 12:28 pm

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I made this topic for the new players that don't know how to make server to make maps with their friends

First you have to download Notepad++ Download link: http://download.cnet.com/Notepad/3000-2352_4-10327521.html

Now i will teach you how to make your MTA server


1.Open your MTA folder

2.Then go to server\mods\deathmatch

3.Right click on mtaserver.conf then click on "Edit With Notepad++"

4.Don't touch anything in mtaserver.conf only what i will tell now

Type your server name

Then you have to write your server ip Click on windows - type in search programs and files "cmd" then type "ipconfig" then copy Ipv4 Address and paste it

Copy your Ipv4 Address

also you can go here http://whatismyipaddress.com/ to know your ip address

5. close it and Save it Then open your MTA server!

Video to show you how to make your own MTA Server https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWOELDGqz_c&feature=youtu.be

How to make yourself Admin in your own server

1. When you open your server Type in console "Addaccount <YourUsername> <YourPassword>

2. Close your server (Ctrl+C)

3. Then go back to server\mods\deathmatch right click on "acl" then click on"Edit With Notepad++" REMEMBER YOU SHOULD CLOSE YOUR SERVER BEFORE DOING THIS

4.Scroll down to "Group Admin"

5.Add <object name="user.yourusername."></object> Your username or account that you have registered

6.Close and save it. Now you became admin in your server

Check this Video to show you how to make yourself admin : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fszrng89gGs&feature=youtu.be

How to start Map editor in your server

1.Open your sever

2.join to your server and login Type in mainchat /login <Youraccount> <Password>

3.To start Map editor type /start editor You must be admin

4.If you don't know how to use map editor, Go to this topic
: http://forum.mini-missions.org/index.php/topic,9057.0.html

5.You need Mini Missions definition to make maps for our server Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ffoay7mvpukdvw6/minim_definition.zip

To use Mini Missions definition download it first then drag it into your resources folder
MTA Folder\server\mods\deathmatch\resources drag the file here.

How to forward ports

That way doesn't work on all routers

My Video..


Another way to forward your ports


If you have any problems with doing this comment below.


Perfect ,

i like your subjects Zniper !!

thank you to posted that , because that was very important for me



Bro can i create A server from Another IP and make me as MAin ADmin.............?


Quote from: aswanth on Sep 07, 2014, 07:41 am
Bro can i create A server from Another IP and make me as MAin ADmin.............?
Yes you can do that but if you do everything correctly you can add yourself as an admin through acl as written in main post.


Quote from: aswanth on Sep 07, 2014, 07:41 am
Bro can i create A server from Another IP and make me as MAin ADmin.............?
For admin u have to write in admin category user.username
For console u have to write in console group.. user.username
Go to server-mods-deathmatch..there is a file called acl edit and  restart ur server and enjoy with admin... or console...


I've done the correct things such as ports and I've opened them but it seems when I go to search it on the 'Internet' tab nothing will show up only on the 'Local' tab. Please reply ASAP!